
Get the Startup Mindsets book!

"Go from "wannapreneur" to entrepreneur by embracing the principles of a startup mindset that this book will teach you about. By the time you reach the last page, you will have acquired the insights needed to stand out in a noisy world, communicate your value to others and overcome whatever life may throw your way.”

Simon Alexander Ong: Author of Energize

"Building companies is so hard, but we always admire the founders who have the courage to go for it. The Startup Mindsets lays out a great framework on the most important startup lessons that can be applied to anyone that wants to invoke massive change in the world."

Dado Banatao, Founder & Managing Partner, Tallwood Venture Capital

“Startup Mindsets uncovers what I’ve observed in Silicon Valley for many decades – that founders who embrace these mindsets unlock amazing innovation while living a a meaningful life built on global impact”

Jojo Flores, Co-founder, Plug and Play Tech Center Silicon Valley

About the Book

In today’s rapidly evolving and digital world, every global leader must employ a Startup Mindset to thrive and get ahead.   

Born in the Philippines, Earl Valencia is an award-winning tech leader and venture-backed startup founder. Dan Gonzales lived through the grind of Silicon Valley as an investor, writer and the host of the popular Startup Mindsets podcast. Together, they have distilled lessons from hundreds of conversations with founders, venture capitalists and ecosystem builders. How do you balance a changing landscape while staying true to your core values? How do you stay relentless in the face of adversity? In other words, how can you think like a startup?

This book unveils the secrets of the Silicon Valley ecosystem and guides readers on the mindsets that differentiate the leaders who were trained from the industrial economy of the past from those who have grown and transcended into a digital-first world. Those who dare to take on the next disruptive shift will see their impact skyrocket to unparallelled heights.  

Through compelling stories and actionable strategies, get inspired to  apply the Startup Mindset to your own life and lead the new innovation-driven and digital economy today.